HOW TO STUDY - Part 1 Today we begin our series on how to study, our guide through these series is "The Good Study Guide" - by Andrew Northegde and other resources from the internet. So you are a student, but having trouble creating time for studies? or you work and are finding it tough to study because of life issues, you have a baby, distance issue or generally having it tough trying to study? Have you noticed how fast the world is changing and uncertainty is the order of the day, one of the important skills required to navigate and be successful in today's world is the ability to engage in purposeful study. Life long learning means constantly adapting to change by acquiring new ways of thinking, a path which is exciting but can be scary if you do not know how. There are key skills which all need to study effectively: 1. communication 2. numeracy 3. information technology 4. working...
Showing posts from May, 2021