Open Education Resources

Understanding OER is defined as a digital self-contained unit of self assessable teaching with an explicit measurable learning objective, having an open license clearly attached to allow adapting and generally being free of cost to reuse.

TIPS framework are key quality assurance criteria for OER :

T = teaching and learning process

I = information and material content

P= presentation product and format

S=system technical and technology


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to education. Education —- the development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential —- is a cornerstone of our society, enshrined in the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child.

Promoting the use OER to widen access to education at all levels, both formal and non-formal, in a perspective of lifelong learning, thus contributing to social inclusion, gender equity and special needs education.

OER increases access, fosters collaboration and ensures value for money while by open licensing materials there is additional value by making it public and free. Teachers can build and share materials, permission is communicated by license, there is ler


·       what you see as the most important aspects and challenges of using OER in your classroom,

·       your experience and intentions for using openly-licensed materials, and

·       which OER you have found particularly useful - or expect could be useful - in your teaching.


Daniel Wilton: (Yes - but they're starting to catch up on the queue...)


Alicia: Pleasant day to everyone. Julia here from sunny Barbados


Daniel Wilton: Open UBC:


Daniel Wilton:

Ásdís Ólafsdóttir:

Daniel Wilton: Open Learning Links:

Daniel Wilton: TEL Resources:

Sophia Edwards-Gabriel: This is an excellent resource and opportunity

Daniel Wilton:

Daniel Wilton: Smithsonian:

Daniel Wilton: Guide to Blended Learning:

Daniel Wilton: BLP MOOC, starting 7 February:




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